Friday, February 1, 2019


Welcome to my kingdom of dreams & madness, where I will introduce you to the world's best animation movies that you must watch before you die. These movies are beyond imagination, they have the essence of life which teach us many things like friendship, love, romance etc. In 1926 the 1st silent animation movie "The Adventures of Prince Achmed" directed by a German director, named Lotte Reiniger. As we all know Walt Disney is the father of the american animation industry, he introduced us to the world's 1st cartoon character Mickey Mouse, then he introduced several developments in the production of cartoons. In 1937, he directs his 1st movie Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs (1937), Fantasia, Pinocchio (both 1940), Dumbo (1941) and Bambi (1942), he helps further in the development of the animated film. New animated & live-action films followed after World War II, including the critically successful Cinderella (1950) and Mary Poppins (1964). Disney holds the record for most Academy Awards earned by an individual, having won 22 Oscars from 59 nominations. He even opened an amusement park DISNEYWORLD for children. He deserves a kudos from us because he makes our childhood memorable not only for our generation, it carrying its legacy generation wise. He will be remembered for his great work towards the animation world. As Walt Disney says "You can design & create, build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream into a reality"."Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world".As time passes by Walt Disney became the renowed personality of the world. After conquering almost 4 decades making beautiful movies his journey comes to an end. He inspires so many people to step up in the animation industry.                                                                                                                                                                             
                                                                   Now the time has come, to bring the animation world into the next level & carry the legacy in the animation world. Japan has stepped up & produced some excellent animation director's not only the movies has good plots, but they also consist of beautiful animation & peaceful music which would literally take you to your own imaginary world. Hayao Miyazaki was popularly known as 'the never-ending man' or 'the Walt Disney of Japan'. In the year 1978, who started his journey from the movie Lupin the 3rd -The Castle Of Cagliostro, after getting huge success from the 1st movie he directs 10 more movies & 10 short movies in his career. Each movie has his own signature, we can't compare it with one another, all are rare gems or you can say a masterpiece. The most important thing about his movies they are all hand made drawings by him. It took almost four years to make each movie, which is quite an amazing fact it takes a lot of patience. Through a career that has spanned five decades, Miyazaki has attained international acclaim as a masterful storyteller and as a maker of anime feature films. He won Oscar for Spirited Away (2001) in the best animation category not only that it is one of the highest grossing films in Japanese history. According to Miyazaki - Animation isn't just about making nice lookings it's about capturing the human emotion, behind every human action, anime may depict fictional worlds, but I nonetheless believe that at its core it must have a certain realism. Even if the world depicted is a lie, the trick is to make it seem as real as possible. The animator must fabricate a lie that seems so real, viewers will think the world depicted might possibly exist. Miyazaki along with another famous director Isao Takahata bring a huge change in the world of animation by making some excellent animated movies, they formed an animation film studio named Studio Ghibli under this production company 22 class animations movies have been produced every movie describes different human emotions along with social messages,It includes 10 movies of Hayao Miyazaki,2 movies of Goro Miyazaki,5 movies of Isao Takahata,2 movies from Hiromasa Yonebayashi,1 movie from Yoshifumi Kondo, 1 movie from Hiroyuki Morita,1 movie from Tomomi Mochizuki. There are also famous directors like Satoshi Kon, Mamoru Hosoda, Hiroyuki Okiura, Makoto Shinkai & many other Japanese directors create many beautiful movies which are exceptional. In my next blogI will write about some renowned animation movies created by other directors.